Friday 10 September 2010

Good Leadership


"I think it's very difficult to lead today when people are not really truly participating in the decision. You won't be able to attract and retain great people if they don't feel like they are part of the authorship of the strategy and the authorship of the critical issues. If you don't give people an opportunity to really be engaged, they won't stay."

Leadership is not a position but a process; no one has ever woken up one morning and acquired competent leadership skills. These skills are acquired over time through both successes, failures and it is the failures, and lessons learnt and how we apply them will determine future leadership competence.

John Maxwell puts it clearly:

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.”

My question is how good are your leaders, do they take responsibility for their actions and do they inspire others to achieve more?

Four simple steps to know if you are on the right path.

Step 1 good leaders are listeners.

They take time to listen to the suggestions and concerns of those they endeavour to lead.

Step 2 good leaders are encouragers.

They don't try to do it all themselves. Neither do they motivate by force or guilt. They encourage others and help bring out their best.

Step 3 critically good leaders are assertive.

They say what needs to be said without being unkind. They tell the truth as they see it, openly and frankly.

Step 4 good leaders are decisive.

They know what needs to be done and they make timely, even difficult, decisions when necessary. But they can also take charge without running over the people in their lives.

Do your leaders LEAD or do they follow showing few leadership skills such as vision, motivation, inspiration, team working, creativity or communication.

If they do it cost no more than a call +44 (0) 1902560427 or

email to to find out how or if we can help you to help your leaders lead.

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