Friday 16 July 2010

Transformational or Inspiration

Transform, transforming or transformational ~ meaning to change somebody or something completely.

Inspire, Inspirational or Inspiration ~ meaning to motivate, to stimulate or provide encouragement.

In recent survey of more than one and a half thousand managers, people were asked what they would most like to see in their leaders. The most popular answer, mentioned by 55% of people, was ‘inspiration’.

When asked if they would describe their current leader as ‘inspiring’, only 11% said yes.

The two attributes that people actually mentioned most often when describing their leaders were ‘knowledgeable’ and ‘ambitious’.

Companies that invest in developing their leaders equipping them with strategic interpersonal skills know that their leaders perform better because they inspire and transform others to achieve more.

In today’s competitive environment, are your leaders equipped with the right transformational skills to equip, inspire and transform your people for the future? Alternatively, do they continue regardless unaware of their impact on others and don’t see the danger behind them.

Transforming leaders to inspire others is our aim if you cannot see it’s like "the blind leading the blind, both shall fall in the ditch."

Open the eyes of your leaders or potential leaders to lead effectively from the front to transform and inspire people and impact on business performance, call to find out how we can help you and your business achieve more.


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